
We pro­vide advi­sory and con­sult­ing ser­vices to Semiconductor Industry com­pa­nies with respect to their HPC envi­ron­ments. We exe­cute non-operational, high-risk tasks to achieve sig­nif­i­cant strate­gic objec­tives in sup­port of client goals. Composed of highly-trained per­son­nel, equipped with tech­nol­ogy and expe­ri­ence, oper­at­ing under prin­ci­ples of self-sufficiency, tech­ni­cal com­pe­tence, speed, effi­ciency and close teamwork.

In the Semiconductor Industry, long term success is defined by repeatedly performing the same process, but always slightly better. The companies that find success do one thing very well. Their internal roles are structured to create the best environment for staying in business as efficiently as possible. However, innovation fades away as incentive lies in maintaining the status quo. Our clients trust our dedicated focus on delivering innovation to their infrastructure. We guarantee transparency in our work, easily and effectively acclimating to any environment.


Often, customer support organizations are buried beneath operational work, devoid of the time required to design the next generation’s solution or evaluate the industry at large and the emerging technologies, evolving processes, or potential vertical barriers that are approaching. We stay aware for our clients, spending the time exploring new technologies, benchmarking the latest evolutions and measuring new solutions for the right type of environments. As a result, we can share help our clients differentiate between interesting or crucial advancements and developments not yet ready for the Industry. In a similar manner, we help our OEM and vendor partners qualify their solutions for the appropriate environments. We provide benchmarking, result documentation, and guidance on how to enhance even further their solutions with respect to their fit into the semiconductor environment solution set.

Tac­ti­cal Definition

We help our clients define actual implementation plans for migration and transition projects, ensuring smooth and successful outcomes. We establish design methods that consistently produce superior results and work closely with our clients to reach consensus on the technologies required to satisfy their needs. Our proven methods provide a mechanism to help forecast technology developments, while our foresight provides the framework to plan and coordinate within an ever-changing environment.

Strat­egy Definition

We partner with our clients to build plans that help navigate through emerging changes in technology, enabling them to accomplish their strategic visions. We understand our client’s environments are unique, and thus require customized solutions. We work individually with each client to define and articulate strategic objectives and goals based on the specific dynamics of their semiconductor infrastructure. We help craft budget definitions and justifications, technology refresh cycles, emerging technology adoption plans, and cost/performance optimizing infrastructure adjustments to achieve first-time-right silicon designs to maintain or improve schedule delivery.

High-Risk Oper­a­tions

From infra­struc­ture migrations to sweeping process and technology changes, we are consistently successful in assisting our clients in carrying out high-risk operations. Semiconductor design environments are, by their very nature, “always on, always up” environments that carry significant costs for any outage, whether planned or unplanned. We execute transitional projects for clients in a manner that keeps their environment operating smoothly, requiring low to zero tolerance for downtime.